Friday, December 12, 2008

Thank God It's Friday!

Good morning to all! I hope everyone is doing well today... it's Friday! Let me begin by saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Grandpa Dougoveto- you will be in our thoughts and prayers in a special way today. Also, I don't think I ever said Congratulations to Walter and Kim on their engagement. We are so excited for you guys!!!

Well, the Condits had an extremely busy day yesterday. Jonah had a doctor's appointment in the morning, and that went very well. He weighs 13 pounds 8 ounces, and the pediatrician is impressed with how alert and responsive he is. She said he seems older than his age! :) He's doing very well. Everything is back to normal now. From the doctor's office, we headed over to the dentist, as I had to get a cleaning, and Luke had to get some other work done. We were there from 1:00 until 4:00... it was a long session, but Jonah did awesome. The assistants kept bringing him back and forth between Luke and myself, and he slept most of the time. They all loved him! From there we went to Babies R Us to pick something up... it was a long day! Well, here are just a few pictures for you to enjoy...

"I love kisses from daddy!"

Jonah and Mommy...

Jonah still enjoys his bathtime just as much as ever. He's getting big for the bathtub now!

In the waiting room at the doctor's office

All bundled up!
Next I will post a really cute video that we took last night. Hope you have a great day! God bless, and love to all of you!


Andrea said...

My goodness!! I can't believe how big Jonah is getting! He looks like he has grown since Thanksgiving. I am so glad you all all feeling better. Hopefully I'll get to talk to you guys over the weekend. Love ya!

Unknown said...

I love the pics. Where's the VIDEO?!?!