Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Foot Doctor? Really?

Things are going well for us here in New Jersey. We are relaxing but also keeping busy. Luke and I just got back from Bristol Glen, a local nursing home, where we visited one of Larry's living relatives named Lois VanAtta. I think she was happy to see us... we didn't bring Jonah along, but we did bring a picture of him so she could keep it there in her room. We sat and visited with her for almost an hour, and then when lunchtime came we took her down to the dining room and then left. Jonah stayed with Grammy Condit while we were gone, and it sounds like he was well-behaved. Good job, Jonah! When we got back, Luke was talking to Jonah, and he was actually laughing- it was just darling. I will try to get that on video soon.

Tonight Luke and I are going to have dinner at a local Italian restaurant while Jonah spends a little more time alone with his grandparents. That should be nice. Here are some pictures we've taken over the past couple of days. Enjoy!

"Is that really me, Pop?"

As happy as ever!

"Look at the camera, Jonah... good!"

Jonah loves the fire... he's taken a few naps by it already, and when he's not napping, he's just staring!

One of the most exciting parts of our trip so far was my adventure to the foot doctor yesterday, where I had to have an ingrown toenail removed... I know, disgusting! I had to get three long shots with a big needle and then a clip of the toenail. The doctor was funny, though I wasn't in the mood to laugh. What a great memory of Christmas vacation!

Mommy and Son time is always precious

This is the bouncy seat we're borrowing from Aunt Ginny during our stay here. Jonah loves it!

That's all for now, folks! I hope you're enjoying your Christmas vacation. You're all in our thoughts and prayers. God bless, and love to all of you!

1 comment:

mom said...

Wow! Looks like everyone is having a grand time..... so happy for everyone. So glad you have your toe taken care of Anna. Do you have to go back? Did it hurt?

Love having all the pictures. Say hi to everyone....beautiful house!!!