Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Fever Strikes

Hey guys, I'm only posting a few pictures today. Luke and I are both down with fevers. I started to get achy yesterday afternoon, and by the evening my temperature was almost 102, but it got better... now the aches and the fever have returned this morning, probably from not getting enough rest. Luke was wonderful taking care of Jonah last night. They talked to each other, read a couple books, and just hung out. Now this morning, Luke's temperature is 101, so we're both under the weather. Jonah's is a healthy 97.7, though... praise the Lord! We'll be spending the day mostly in bed, except to play with Jonah and change his diaper... other than that he can take his naps right on the bed with room to spare. Also, he had a scheduled doctor's appt today which I will cancel as soon as the office opens. Okay, here are just a few more pictures... these are probably the last ones of the Thanksgiving vacation that I will send. We need some new pics, right?

Typical... Grandma's in her apron and Grandpa's talking
(ooops, did I say that out loud?)

Just a great ole picture of Tom and Marlee

On Uncle Joe's lap with arms up...
can life get any better?

Okay, that's all for now. I will try to post a video separately, so keep checking... love to all of you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you and Luke feel better soon, and baby Jonah continues to stay clear of the bug!!