Tuesday, December 30, 2008

One Year... We Made It!

Yesterday was our one-year anniversary, so we had a nice steak dinner last night. Jonah slept through it, which usually doesn't happen... it was like his anniversary gift to us. :) It was a nice evening. Jonah is doing better today than he did yesterday. I think he was worn out yesterday from Sunday's travels. He seems more himself today, happy as usual. Right now he's laying on the floor next to me, and he's talking up a storm. He isn't as crazy about the bouncy seat as he was before Christmas break, so I think he might be outgrowing it.

Jonah and Monkey in New Jersey...

Luke bought me a brand-new Dell laptop computer for our anniversary, and I love it! It's navy blue and so easy to use. In fact, I'm typing on it right now, and I'm sitting on the floor next to Jonah. It's so much easier to do the blog now because I can sit anywhere in the house!

Our Christmas tree is still standing, as you can see!

Lighting the candles for our anniversary dinner last night

We had steak, mashed potatoes, green beans, and bread... and great conversation!

That's all for now, folks! Have a great day, and love to all!

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