Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tasting, Cleaning, Licking, Standing...

Luke is in Naples this morning running some errands, and I'm going to do some cleaning and ironing around here. We're having the basketball coach and his wife over tonight to grill out, so that should be nice. Other than that, just the usual daily walk and maybe some work outside.

I'm sure you'll recognize this classic toy... someone gave it to us a while ago, and I opened it yesterday. As you can see from this series of pictures, Jonah is mostly interested in seeing how it tastes.

He's getting better and better at sitting up

Here he is sweeping the floor. We're starting him early!
I guess he's into cleaning these days. Here he is licking the patio door.
Mary Kate stopped over yesterday with Elizabeth. She's 11 months old.

Last night Jonah crawled over to the gates we had leaning against the piano, and he pulled himself up so he was standing.

So Luke set the gate up in our doorway and had Jonah practice some more...

I think he likes it!
And I'm teaching him how to use the hammer

This was yesterday afternoon. Enjoy, have a great day, and love to all of you!


Marlee said...

Awesome Video.
i think Jonah's first two really extended hi s' were MONEY!!! The last was just noise! Jonah's lookin good. The pool is too. :-)

Unknown said...

Great video. He finally got that noise down!