Friday, May 8, 2009

Softball & Kisses

Today is the beginning of a busy graduation weekend. This afternoon is the Baccalaureate Mass, which Luke will attend, and then tonight at 9pm is a dance, which Luke will also go to for a little while. I don't think he'll dance, though! Tomorrow is graduation followed by a reception, so we'll go to most of that. I probably won't take Jonah to the whole ceremony, but I would like to stop in because Dan Dentino is giving the speech. It would be nice to see that.

It's hard to keep Jonah off the tile. He loves it. This is how he moves around on it- he wants to walk, but he can't, so he does half walk half crawl.

Last night Luke played in a softball game, and I took Jonah. It was a beautiful evening with a great breeze, and he was happy the entire time we were there. Here are some pics...

He LOVED holding onto the fence. In fact, it was difficult to pry his fingers off.
This shows how Jonah gives a kiss. Enjoy, have a great day, and love to all of you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He's like a little Spiderman on that fence!