Friday, May 29, 2009

Scary Vacuum Cleaner

The talk went well yesterday. The seniors were kind and attentive, and I enjoyed my time with them. Hopefully they got something out of it. Jonah started talking a lot and making noise at the beginning, so Luke ended up taking him into the hallway.

Here's Jonah waiting patiently while I got my things ready

Organizing my papers

It was fun to write on the board again!

My guys

Jonah is very frightened of the vacuum cleaner. Last night we tried to help him get over his fear by sitting near the vacuum with him.
He wasn't quite ready.
Whenever it's around, he can't take his eyes off it. Notice how he never let go of Luke's shirt.

The puppet show made him forget the scary vacuum.

Enjoy, have a great day, and love to all of you!


Joe said...

I forgot to ask you about the talk!! I will the next time we talk. That is so funny about the vacuum cleaner! Totally cracked me up.

Unknown said...

That's so funny he's scared of the vacuum cleaner! My kids all LOVE the vacumm cleaner, which make trying to vacuum quite a task! Although the older 2 girls are getting ready to help out in that department! Looks like Jonah won't have vacumming on his chore list for a while! :) Glad the talk went well!