Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Teaspoon of Carrots

Jonah had a doctor's appointment this morning, and he's very healthy! He weighs 18 pounds 6 ounces, and he's doing great. It's time to start him on fruits and veggies, and now he can even sip water from a sippy cup. It will be fun to get him going on those...

"There's nothing like an evening stroll and the wind on my face..."

Looking at his daddy

More pics with the basket. He even manages to get it on the saucer...

My guys

Not quite awake yet

Ever wonder what Luke looks like as a mascot?

Enjoy, have a great day, and love to all of you!


Unknown said...

It's so cute how he moves his little fingers around while he's eating. He's just precious!

mom said...

Did you guys heat the carrots first? I actually looked for a dish which I used for our kids that you could put hot water in it to keep the food warm while your eating. I couldn't find anything that even resembled it.
I don't think Jonah will be a vegetarian but he is doing great. I faintly remember Anna spitting her carrots at me!!!!!!!!

Angela said...

I don't think he was too crazy about those carrots.