Monday, March 2, 2009

Back on Track

We're back in Florida now after an awesome time in the Rockies! It was just beautiful there, and we had a wonderful week. I have some pictures and quite a few videos, so you'll get to see them this week.

Jonah is happy to be back in his own crib. He slept great last night. We put him down around 8:30, and he got up at 11:00, but other than that he slept all through the night. It was wonderful because we really needed sleep after the long day of traveling. Today we're just getting unpacked and settled back in.

Now for some pictures...

Taking a break
Jonah and Uncle Tom
Beautiful Rocky Mountains!
Here's dad eyeing the slopes

This was taken during the flight from Florida to Colorado. It was about 4 and a half hours long, so we were really happy when we finally arrived! As you can see, Jonah enjoyed the flight. He kept us laughing quite a bit. Have a great day, and love to all of you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I miss my little baby.