Thursday, March 19, 2009

Eye Doctor or Magician?

Jonah has been trying out the playpen a little bit, and he seems to like it. A couple days ago when Luke was home for lunch, he bent over to put Jonah in the playpen, and a few minutes later his glasses were missing. (They had been in his shirt pocket.) Well, lo and behold, we looked in the playpen and Jonah was holding them. That same night after dinner Luke put Jonah in the playpen again and was on his way out the door for RA interviews. He came back in because his glasses were missing! We looked all over the place, and finally we peeked into the playpen. Sure enough, Jonah was holding them again. He's quite the little trickster...

Another video of bathtime. Enjoy, have a great day, and love to all of you!


Unknown said...

I love that...."Condit Camera"....You guys crack me up!

Andrea said...

That's hilarious about the glasses! Also, you guys are talking great pictures. Thanks for posting so often. Even if I don't always comment, I'm always checking out your blog.