Friday, January 9, 2009

Orientation Weekend

It's Friday! Woohoo! It will be a busy weekend... it's orientation weekend at the university, so Luke has to attend some functions tonight and tomorrow. Today Jonah and I might make a run into Immokalee again... we have more things for Goodwill. And we may spend a little time in the towncenter here just bumming around. We'll see.

Today we'd like to wish Grandma Condit a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You will be in our thoughts and prayers today in a special way.

Now for some pictures...
In honor of Grandma Condit's birthday today...

So happy together!

Writing out checks this morning before leaving for work

Storytime before bedtime last night

We went to Julie Cosden's house last night for pizza, and it was chilly outside!

This video was taken a few days ago... enjoy!

Have a great day, and love to all of you!


Unknown said...

Great pics today and I love the video. Luke, you'll have to take more secret ones of Anna...

Joe said...

you like snazzy in that suit Luke! Just wish I could see your abs.