Friday, January 2, 2009

Water Boy

We took Jonah in the pool yesterday, as you'll see from the pictures... he really enjoyed it! I guess he loves the water. He's rolling over all the time now, only from the back to the tummy. After he's on his tummy for a little bit, he gets pretty frustrated because he can't go back the other way, and holding up his head is quite exhausting! I know this is short, but I'm pretty late on the blogging this morning, so that's all I'm going to say. Now for the pictures...

And here's a video we took the other night, same night as the last couple. This is the first time Jonah rolled over for his parents! Exciting!

Have a great day. Love to all!

1 comment:

Marlee said...

I can't believe noone commented on this enormous achievment! Nice work Jonah. like rockstars. the rolling prince. : )