Saturday, January 24, 2009

Family Fun Fest

I took a little break from the blog yesterday, which I might start doing on Sundays more often... but I'm back today! We had a wonderful weekend. Saturday we spent some time at the Family Fun Fest, which was quite enjoyable, and then Saturday night Luke & Nick played in a softball game went out to the casino for a little while. It sounds like they had a good time.

Yesterday was a very nice and peaceful day. We went to Mass at 10 AM with Nick, and then he and Al Kresta left for the airport right after Mass. Luke and I had brunch and went for a long walk around Ave Maria. It was beautiful outside, so we stayed out for a while. It was great. Jonah napped during our walk, and he napped some more when we got home. That left us some time to watch a movie- Three Fugitives. It's a good one.

Today I feel like a truck ran over me. :) Last night Jonah slept in his crib for the first time, and he kept rolling over onto his stomach and waking up. It was a long night but he didn't feed until 5:00 this morning, so we're making headway on eliminating those nighttime feedings. It will probably take a week or two to be completely successful. Jonah woke up this morning as happy as can be. Now for today's pictures...

In one of his new sleepers

Ready for softball

Old cars at the Family Fun Fest on Saturday

We did win a basket in the silent auction- we got a cooking basket full of items from Pampered Chef. It's awesome!!!

Fr. Bob in the "dunk tank"

On our way back from the Festival

This is just a little video I took at the Festival on Saturday. The Dixieland band was pretty good... it was a fun time! Have a great day, and love to all of you!

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