Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sing? Ho?

Jonah plays like this a lot. He loves the pink ball, and he throws it and kicks it around the kitchen constantly. You'll hear him say his name at one point, too, which is something he's been doing more of lately. He'll say, "Nice shot, Jonah!" I guess if we don't give him enough affirmation, he'll take care of it himself. :)

Luke is still reading Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to Jonah, and he sings the song "Heigh ho, heigh ho, it's home from work we go..." you know that one? Well, before I took this video, Jonah was saying to Luke, "Sing? Ho? Sing?" We couldn't get him to say it for the video, though. It's still cute! Now he doesn't want you just to sing- he wants a specific song!

This is a popular game in our house. The way Jonah tells us he wants to play is he hides behind something and says "Jonah?"


Joe said...

I can't believe he can name the 7 dworfs! That was awesome! He is talking up a storm! Way to go "Jonah!" He is so cute. Hope you are feeling okay Anna....can't believe you guys are going to have a little baby in such a short while! Hope you have fun with your Mom!
Love, Mary Ellen

Unknown said...

I love how Jonah picks the exact same hiding spot and he still tricks Anna! Classic.