Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Caleb's First Appointment

Caleb had his first doctor's apppointment yesterday, and he passed with flying colors. Usually babies lose weight in their first week of life outside the womb, and I was concerned about Caleb because he sleeps so much (even at night!)... but he weighed only one ounce less than he did when he was born. So he's doing great with the nursing and everything else. The doctor commented on his long toes and his strong suction. Everything looks great!

Here are pictures and videos from the last several days.

Caleb likes the Moses basket

A baby Jonah look-alike

He's always comfortable in mom and dad's bed

On Saturday dad took Jonah over to the water park right here in Ave Maria. It's pretty nice. There are a few different pools- this one is a beach-entry pool, so it's perfect for Jonah to walk around in.

And he's still been spending a lot of time in our pool at home. Grandpa and Grandma both went in with Jonah the other day, and they all had a great time!

We knew this would happen sooner or later...

Grandma can't get enough

Everytime Grandpa holds Caleb, they both fall asleep

Watching Jonah's favorite youtube video- Snow White

The other night when the weather was nice we relaxed in the chairs by the pool

Jonah got another haircut yesterday. How did we do it, you might ask? Well, we had the help of Snow White.

Reading time

Here are a bunch of videos. Hope you enjoy them!

At the water park with Grandpa

I think this one is of Jonah and the balloon. Luke attached a ball to the bottom of it, and it's been an awesome toy for Jonah to play with. And yesterday he even tried to give it to Caleb!

It's never too early to start...

I guess sleep is contagious

Maybe this video is more than you want to see

What a little peanut

Caleb in the Moses basket


Unknown said...

Great to see some pictures and videos! Nice to see what's going on around there. Looks like everyone's adjusting to sweet baby Caleb!

Angela said...

Caleb is looking beautiful. I loved seeing Luke read The Hobbit to him. And Grandpa and Grandma seem to be enjoying themselves. I wish we could all be there!

Marlee said...

Oh my goodness Caleb is so precious! I love him! ! ! And I love that he sleeps and is so good to his mom and dad. I also love that Pops and Momma D are there to play with Jonah. THANKS FOR POSTING ALL THE PICTURES & VIDEOS! I am praying for you all.

Kim said...

I'm so happy for you guys that everything went well at Caleb's first appointment! It's awesome that he sleeps well for you! Love all the pics and videos!

Jen Raiche said...

Caleb is beautiful! How wonderful that your parents are there to help you guys out. What a blessing. Great shots of the good Dr. in his swimwear! ;-)