Friday, May 14, 2010

Corn Toss and More...

We've been enjoying our time with Grandpa and Grandma. A couple nights ago we hauled out the corn toss boards and played some games- the weather was beautiful outside, and it was really enjoyable to toss the bean bags again!

Jonah likes the red sunglasses that Grandpa brought down.

He's still hanging onto them while Daddy teaches him about corn toss.

A few practice tosses...

while Grandpa and Grandma play with the hose.

Jonah's still trying to figure out the game.

He spent some time in Grandpa's car playing with all the buttons...

And they got some storytime in, too...

He loves this big truck book that has all the flaps!

We have pool time almost daily now...

He still falls asleep in the high chair once in a while!

We're still waiting for Caleb to arrive. He was due to come yesterday, but he must be pretty comfortable in there! I'm scheduled to be induced on Saturday if he doesn't show up by then, but we're hoping he does. We'll see what happens. It's been great having Grandpa and Grandma here, especially because we had a house-showing yesterday, and we have one today as well. We also have one this coming Thursday, so it's been helpful to have some other hands around.
And that's about it. Enjoy the videos!
God bless!


Unknown said...

Looks like loads of fun down there! Now Caleb needs to come and shake things up. We're praying he'll be here soon...

Angela said...

Wow, Jonah and Grandma are such good dancers. Anna, maybe you should try dancing to get Caleb to come!