Saturday, May 8, 2010

Grandma D. Arrives & Luke Graduates!

Yesterday was a very special day... Luke's graduation! He now has his Masters Degree, so it's pretty exciting. Jonah loved the outfit, especially the tassle.

Jonah is in a new outfit that he got from Grandma... isn't he cute?

After the graduation, Luke listened closely to the instructions.

THIS is how it feels to finish a Masters degree.

Here's me with Master Luke and Dr. Dentino...

Luke's parents were here for the ceremony, and they joined us for lunch afterwards while Luke went back to class.
A proud mother-in-law...

Jonah's going to try out some floaty arm bands in the pool. They look a little big, but hopefully they'll work.

"What in the world is this, mom?"

Grandma Dougoveto arrived on Thursday night, and Jonah has greatly enjoyed her company! They've been reading lots of books together...

Here are several videos that have been taken since the last post... enjoy!


Unknown said...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ANNA, and congratulations Luke!!

Andrea said...

Congratulations, Luke!!! That's awesome that you graduated. Great videos. It's so cute to see Jonah playing and reading with his Grandma D!

Unknown said...

Way to go, Luke. You've finally joined me and Joe as the Masters of the family. Between the three of us we can keep this family on track! Looks like Jonah's having fun with Grandma. Anna, you looked really nice for Luke's graduation! :)

Angela said...

Congrats, Luke! You look very snazzy in your graduation gown. It must feel amazing that you won't have anymore weekends of class. :-)

Marlee said...

I love how Momma D claps and says I'm going to get you and she is just chill'n on the couch..she definitely got Jonah with those fast claps. LOL

AND Luke, congrats on the masters! I love the Itsy Bitsy spider song. You have an awesome voice... seriously!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I am sure a Masters Degree is an accomplishment for the whole family!

You are in our prayers as you await the arrival of your new little guy!
