Mom and Dad left on Friday, so the last couple days we've been adjusting to life with just the four of us. We certainly miss Grandpa and Grandma! Luke and I have had a few moments where we've just laughed our heads off due to the sheer chaos we feel... this morning was one of those moments. It was ten minutes before Mass started (yes, the Mass that I was going to attend)... Caleb was nursing, and Luke was tending to Jonah. Then the baby went in his diaper, and seeing as I still didn't have my hair fixed, I asked Luke to change the baby's diaper so I could finish getting ready. That's when Jonah got a hold of some lotion somewhere, and we soon found him in the kitchen taking a lick off his finger. After we took the lotion away, we just laughed. Sometimes if we don't laugh, we might have an anxiety attack. We're doing great, though!
Caleb had his first bath while Grandpa and Grandma were here
All clean and cozy!
Jonah broke the pair of sunglasses that Grandpa had in his car, so they found a new pair that he just loves and wears all over the house
He looks pretty cool in his new shades! I love this picture of Grandpa and Jonah. (By the way, dad's nickname for Jonah is Kid Dynamite- pretty fitting, if you ask me.)
Grandpa got to take Jonah outside for his "goodnight stroll" several times during his visit. I think his favorite thing about it was how he would point to the stop sign, spell the word, and then ask Jonah what it spells. He would say, "Jonah!"
She looks so happy! Caleb looks pretty content too!
Isn't this precious?
We love you, Caleb
And a bunch of videos... sorry that I post the same one twice sometimes. It takes forever to load everything, and sometimes I can't remember which videos I've loaded.