Friday, April 30, 2010

Making Preparations

Every Friday I have some moms over for coffee. It's a nice little gathering. Here's Corban, one of the little babies whose mom is usually here. I tried to hold him last week, and Jonah just wouldn't have it. Oh boy, he's in for a big change!

Here's Timmy, who's just about Jonah's age. Every single time I take Jonah to the park and he goes in the swing, he points to the swing next to his and says "Timmy's".

What a pair!

We're getting ready for Caleb to come. I just had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, and everything looks good. The doctor said it could be any day! Oh boy! Yesterday Luke picked up a couple things that we found on Craig's List... here's a Moses Basket that Caleb can sleep in and I can haul around the house with me. It's got a tiny little mattress in it and nice handles. What a great movable bed that will allow me to remove Caleb from the flying balls and loud noises of Jonah's world...

We found a nice little bassinet too...

I caught Jonah waking up yesterday. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Looks like you are getting all ready! Jonah will adjust fine! Will keep us and Caleb, Jonah and Luke in my prayers in the upcoming hours, days and weeks. I pray all goes smoothly

Jen Raiche said...

You will be in our prayers for a safe delivery for Mom and baby! Blessings to you and your family!

mom said...

Looks like they will be perfect for Caleb. Now don't have that baby before I get there!

mom said...

Looks like they will be perfect for Caleb. Now don't have that baby before I get there!

Mary Ellen said...

Everything looks so cute, Anna! I love the Moses basket and basinette! Very cute! That's nice you have coffee with other moms and Fridays, too!

Kim said...

Anna, looks like you are ready! It's getting VERY close for both of us! We're praying for a safe delivery!