Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Day With Grammy & Pop

This past Wednesday, Jonah got to spend the entire day with Luke's parents, and he had a ball. They came to Ave Maria to get him around 9:00 in the morning, and off they went for the day. While Luke went to work and I ran errands in Naples, Jonah got to go to a fun place in Fort Myers with Grammy & Pop called Imaginarium...

From what I understand (and this is not hard to believe) the highlight was the big sandbox. I guess Jonah played in it for an hour!

He liked putting the sand through the little funnel and other toys.

He got to see birds, too!

And aquariums...

He even got to stick his hands in the water with the stingrays!

He played by the big metal dinosaur

and touched a tree I guess. He likes to check everything out!

What a great day of fun... thanks, Grammy and Pop. I love you!

Just a few quick videos-


Jen Raiche said...

Hope you guys are doing well! Looks like a fun day for Jonah!! =)

Andrea said...

What cute pictures and videos. Looks like Jonah had a lot of fun with your parents, Luke! I miss you all!

mom said...

Jonah has the greatest grandparents ever!!!!! So great to have videos of that special time with them. What a blessing it is to be a is truly the best.

Angela said...

It looks like Jonah had so much fun! Isn't it nice to have such wonderful grandparents. :-)