Monday, April 26, 2010

Oh Crumps!

Yesterday morning we hosted the RA inservice at our house, so all the RDs came over and cooked breakfast for the RAs... then they talked about the semester and ways to improve for next year. What a great bunch of people they are!

Luke helped to keep all the pancakes warm while we waited for everyone to arrive.

Brett cooked all of the meat...

And Beth was in charge of the pancakes!

On Saturday we took Jonah to a park in Naples that we had heard about. His favorite part of the park, go figure, was the swing!!! This is what Luke did most of the afternoon while I sat down in the shade...

You'll see down below that Jonah enjoyed the "wet" part as well. There's one fenced-in spot where fountains are coming up from the ground and kids can run around and get wet. Here we were walking back to the car to change Jonah's drenched clothing!

Our AC unit has been struggling over the past few days, but Luke and Jonah got it all fixed up. :) Jonah had to be right there in the thick of things...

He got an A+ on shining the flashlight!

And here are a bunch of videos. Two of them need a little explanation, but I'm not sure which two they are. They are both when we're in the car. Jonah has picked up a saying that my dad uses- "Oh crumps!" Luke has always noticed that his father-in-law says this, so he says it sometimes just for a joke, but now Jonah says it all the time. We captured that on one of the videos. All my siblings will probably find that pretty funny...

The other one is when Jonah counts past the number 10. He always skips 11 and goes right to 12, then every single number he says after that sounds exactly the same. I guess it's hard to distinguish between 13, 14, 15, etc... so he does it the easy way and says the same thing for all of them! Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Great pictures and videos today. That last one is cute where he wants Luke to stay by him! Looks like everyone's having a blast!

mom said...

Loved all the pictures and videos....I'll be there soon to see everything first hand!!!!! Can't wait.