Saturday, August 8, 2009

We Have Visitors!

For some reason, I can't get the videos to work today... for now, we'll just have to stick with pictures.

Jonah wants to thank Grammy for his new book Peppy the Puppy. He's really enjoying it, and he seems to really like how Peppy tastes.

Pool gazing

Right now we have Grandpa, Grandma, Auntie Andrea, and Auntie Angela visiting. They are all having loads of fun. Here's Grandma, Ellie, and Jonah having fun in our bedroom.
He loves pulling Ellie off Grandma's head. Fun stuff!

Auntie Andrea has been helping him practice walking.

It's fun to be together again!

I'll post more pictures tomorrow and hopefully a video too!

1 comment:

Marlee said...

Are we sure Pops and Angie are there? There's no proof. I don't know!
Love the pictures. Take care peeps.