Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bath & Publix!

Just a little update. Jonah is SO talkative now... Luke says he's just like his mommy. Hahaha. If you sit with him and a book, like Luke is doing here, Jonah will just point to different things and talk. It is just darling! The book here is called "Farm Friends" (which came from Great Grandma Condit) and right now it's his favorite one. He loves the flowers on the different pages and is constantly pointing to them. We sit and read with him quite a bit.

A note to Grandma Dougoveto- you're not the only one who loves the laundry room!

And two videos today... the first one was taken during Jonah's bath a couple nights ago. Luke was jumping into the hallway and scaring him. The second one I took at Publix the other day. Enjoy, have a great day, and love to all of you!


Marlee said...

Oh my goodness.... I absolutely love the bath video! His laugh is so stink'n cute!

Angela said...

You should send him laughing to funnies home videos. It's hilarious!

Unknown said...

I love Jonah's man laugh.

Sarah said...


So glad you found me! I love this whole blogging thing and how we all get to stay connected even though we are all so far from our familys (Dan and I live in Washington). Jonah is so darn cute. I was just thinking today about how baby laughs are my favorite sound in the whole world.
I'll put you on my blog list and stay up to date. Nice to hear from you.

Sarah Grignon