Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Shore to Newton to Florida

The last set of pictures from our trip to New Jersey...

Jonah with Luke's cousin Mary. They became good friends this week.

He stills crawls to the bathtub every night, and he did the same thing while we were away.

My hubby cleaning dishes before we left on Saturday

As soon as we got to Luke's parents' house in Newton, we let Jonah loose on the grass. As you can see, he loved it!

We looked down from the balcony

I relaxed just a little bit

Jonah crawled to the fridge as soon as it opened, just like at home

And when we got home, here's the first thing he wanted to do...

This was the day before we left for New Jersey. Enjoy, have a great day, and love to all of you!


Mary Ellen said...

I love all your pictures, Anna! The shore looked beautiful, and the reunion/bday celebration sounded like so much fun. How special for everyone!!! Jonah is looking cuter than ever!!!

Unknown said...

He's really getting good at that floatie. How fun!

Jen Raiche said...

It looks like you guys had a great vacation! Awesome! God bless!

mom said...

The one picture of Jonah on the lawn with Luke it looks like he has that walking totally under control. Wow!