Thursday, July 23, 2009

More of the Shore

Jonah is down for a nap now, and I have the computer, the camera, the cord, and a cup of coffee... all I need for posting on the blog. :) I'm going to try and make this one a little more informative, and I also have LOTS of pictures. Enjoy!

The purpose of this whole vacation is a family reunion for Luke's grandmother's 85th birthday. Everyone on Larry's side of the family is here, staying in two houses. This house is the one on the beach (we are not staying at this one) but it's a short walk away, and this is where we've been having dinner together every evening.

Both houses have a lot of stairs, much to Jonah's delight. He's been working hard on improving his stair-stepping skills. You should see how fast he can go now.

Last night everyone had cake for Grandma Condit's birthday. The best part is that her kids (there are 5 of them) brought 85 candles (all different kinds), set them around the room, and lit them for the grand singing of Happy Birthday. It was pretty special for her to have all of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren around her at the same time. Here's Grandma Condit and Jonah getting some time together on the couch.
And here's Jonah entertaining relatives... he's been doing a lot of Praise the Lord!
Getting some alone time with Pop

At our house we've been working hard on a jigsaw puzzle of Noah's Ark and all the animals. Here's Luke and Sr. Teresa taking a quick break to smile for the camera.

Luke's parents brought a little playpen that Jonah has really been enjoying. In the back you can see sweet Mary with her camera.

Still climbing stairs...
We went to the beach one afternoon, and like I said the other day Jonah enjoyed pointing to the waves, but he doesn't like to get too close to them.

Jonah has been able to spend some very special time with his Godmother... he likes her hat.

Here's the family reading and catching some rays
Jonah with Grammy and a little boat
Ready for the beach or what?!
Taking a little walk downtown. By the way, I don't think I explained where we are. We're on Long Beach Island, at Loveladies Beach. Every time Jonah wears this hat in the stroller, he holds onto the edge of it, like he's doing in this picture.

Here's his daddy rocking him to sleep. Speaking of sleep, Jonah didn't sleep too well the first two nights here, and the third night was even worse. Last night he did great though!
Here's Jonah checking out the water in the hot tub. He didn't go in, though- it's too warm. In the background you can see three of Darrin and Ginny's kids... Ryan, Mary, and Tucker.
I'll end this blog like Jonah ends his day...
You're all in our thoughts and prayers. Love you guys!


Unknown said...

Great pictures. Keep them coming! It looks so beautiful there!

mom said...

So great to see your beautiful family and all that you are doing and all the fun you are having. What a special time you are sharing with Grandma!!!!! Wish her Happy Birthday for us.