Friday, August 20, 2010

Kids Say the Funniest Things

So Jonah and I were playing with play dough yesterday, and I only let him play with it on one condition- he's not allowed to eat it. So he kept asking me to make different things with it- first a snowman, then sneakers (he's creative), and then he asked me to make soup. (I was making soup for dinner, so that's where he got the idea.) I took the play dough and formed a pot, and then I sat it in front of Jonah and told him it was soup. We talked about what was in the soup, like celery and onions and potatoes, etc... Then I went into the kitchen to do something, and when I came back I knew Jonah had play dough in his mouth. I looked him in the eye and said, "Jonah, what are you eating?" And he said, "I'm eating a potato!" I should have scolded, but I had to laugh.

My friend Mary Kate chopped my hair on Saturday...

Daddy and Caleb having a moment

Once in a while he likes the swing, but not very often now

This is one thing Jonah likes to do with the garbage can

He pays a lot more attention to Caleb than he used to

Caleb has a bath a few times a week, and he loves it!

Jonah, you're too big for that car seat!

But it's a great place from which to observe the outdoors.

Jonah you're too big for that bath tub!

Hey, you're too small for that hat!
But it's cute.

Enjoy the videos!


Unknown said...

I predict one day Jonah and Caleb will have a comedy show. It will be awesome and I will be their #1 fan.

Angela said...

I can't believe how big Caleb is getting. He is so cute. I just want to kiss and hug him!

Andrea said...

I love the picture of Caleb in his bath! He is so cute!