Monday, August 9, 2010

Dolls & Dump Trucks

Holding a sleeping Caleb and talking on the phone... pretty common!

The other day I got together with Mary Kate and her daughters Elizabeth and Catherine. Jonah enjoyed playing with Elizabeth, and he was fascinated by her doll. (Luke now feels the need to buy Jonah some trucks or G.I. Joes or something!)

I guess he must be putting her down for a nap...

"Hmmm, the eyes open and close. That is so cool."

Luke took Jonah to the park yesterday while Caleb and I were at Mass "talkin' to Jesus" (that's what Jonah always says.

They also went and saw the dump trucks, but it was pouring so they only looked at them from the car!

Talk about a love affair!

Caleb likes it when a blanket is rubbing against his face. If I'm not there to do it, he'll take care of it himself.

And one video... enjoy!


Andrea said...

Such cute pictures today! I loved the video of Jonah. I can't believe he said he was talking to Snow White! He is such a cutie!

Unknown said...

Great pics and captions, Anna! Jonah's hilarious. You guys must laugh constantly.

Angela said...

The picture of Caleb rubbing his face with the blanket is soooo cute! And Jonah really loves Snow White, doesn't he!