Wednesday, August 11, 2010

In the Bed of the Truck

I can't remember who gave us this outift, but it's so cute on Caleb!

This is Caleb's favorite way to be held right now.

He still loves the pink ball!

Last night before we got Jonah ready for bed we all went outside for a little while. It wasn't too hot, there was a nice breeze, and the bugs weren't bad at all. It was so much fun to be outside!!!
Here's a great shot of Caleb... :) there's a tiny little smile there.

Wow, Caleb can already stand up?!!!

Luke did a great job holding Caleb, laying down in the bed of the truck, and remaining hidden.

Daddy was giving instructions, and they were both listening!

Some videos... enjoy!


Unknown said...

Oh. Caleb is so cute. Only Luke would think of holding him up in the truck like that. Hilarious! Looks like the Condits are having a blast as always!

Andrea said...

Caleb is getting cuter and cuter! And I just love hearing Jonah laugh! What a happy boy!