Thursday, January 21, 2010

Under the Table

We're still drawing!
Mom, I took your idea the other day. I draped some sheets over the kitchen table, and we sat in there and read books. It was fun.

We took this video this morning. Enjoy, have a great day, and love to all of you!


Unknown said...

I love the labored breathing just before each throw. He sure gives it his all!

mom said...

I am so happy to see Jonah reading under the table. That brings back so many memories of my little ones. Wonder if you remember also playing under my quilting frame when it was in the basement? Kids love tents and anything resembling them. When you have been in the house for a long time it just gives the kids a whole different atmosphere...they love small spaces and of course they love to hide. I remember Joe hiding from me at the mall in the clothes rack. I almost had a heart attack.

Josh & Kandice said...

When I was young, I absolutely LOVED making little tents out of sheets, chairs, and clothespins. Haha.