Saturday, January 23, 2010

Another Day in Sanibel

We spent the day in Sanibel yesterday, and it was a lot of fun!

We stopped at a Catholic church along the way, and there was a bald eagle on top of the cross.

We went with Grammy and Pop to Periwinkle Park, where Jonah got to see a lot of exotic birds and animals. He loved it!

The ducks were his favorite.

Still looking at the ducks...

He just couldn't get enough of them!

We got to see a beautiful swan!

Luke wants to do the caption for this picture, so I'm going to pass the computer to him...
As you will see, I was able to take a good picture of the exotic and wild animals at this park. (oh, and don't forget to notice the monkeys in the background. They are lemurs from Madagascar.)

Very funny, Luke, very funny. We couldn't get Jonah to look at the camera.

We spent some time at the park, as usual.

Here are some videos from the past couple days.

Each day we spend some time in Jonah's room. He gets to play around in his crib, and Mama gets to sit in the chair and crochet or do email. Grandpa D. wanted some videos of this, so here are two...

This was on the way to Sanibel yesterday. Jonah had fun saying hi to the trees. Remember I told you he says hi to pretty much anything that moves. Well, seeing as we were in the car the trees were moving!

At the park with the ducks...


mom said...

Great videos and pictures...can't believe you took a picture of an eagle......way down there.....did Jonah see it? Looks like everyone has fun!!!!!!! It was amazing to hear him say his name for the first time.....forgot to tell you last blog when he was swinging.

Unknown said...

I loved all the pictures with his grandparents. So cute. And the videos were awesome. Keep them coming!

Jen Raiche said...

Those are quite the exotic animals you saw. =)

Looks like you guys are doing great!