Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cows, Plants, and Beans

On Saturday we went to the Family Fun Fest in the towncenter, and it was a lot of fun! We walked around, talked to a few people, checked out the silent auction, and visited the cows. Jonah got to feed them! He loved it. Check out the cow's name...

Here's Jonah pointing out the "s"

Luke and Jonah planted a new row of beans the other day, and they also transplanted Jonah's cornstalk, which is growing rather nicely these days.

And here's a few recent videos...

Jonah's favorite activity the last couple days has been pouring beans from one bowl to another. I got it on video yesterday. Caleb was pretty interested too!


Unknown said...

Jonah looks a little nervous around the cows! They sure do a lot of stuff down there in Ave! I love how Jonah says, "Tickle! Tickle!" to Caleb. Those two are so sweet with each other!

Jen Raiche said...

Yay for the bean pouring! Very Montessori! He may enjoy spooning the beans from one bowl to the other next.

Fun containers make the bean pouring great as well. Like small glass creamers from Wal-Mart or maple syrup bottles. =)