Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Conversation to Remember

Yesterday, Jonah and I had a little picnic by ourselves. After we finished our lunch, we were laying down on the blanket, looking at the sky. We had a memorable conversation:

Me: "Jonah, who made the clouds?"

Jonah: "God made the clouds!"

Me: "That's right, Jonah! Who did He make them for?"

Jonah: "Made them for the sky!"

Me: "Well, who did God make the sky for?"

Jonah: "For the clouds!"

Me: "Who did He make all these things for?"

Jonah: "He made all these things for Jonah!"


Kim said...

AWWWW, so cute!

Angela said...

I just love that. Jonah must keep you and Luke constantly entertained!

Unknown said...

Do you think Jonah will take me on for spiritual direction?