Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Special Visit

I don't have any videos today, but here are some pictures I took of the kids the other day:

We had some very special visitors on Thursday. Grammy, Pop, and Great Grandma came to visit us. We got to hang out in the afternoon, chat, and pass the kids around, and then we all had dinner together. It was wonderful!

Here's Caleb checking out Grammy's face

Time to cuddle!

Great Grandma brought books for the kids, and Caleb got to sit on Pop's lap and read his book Little Florida.

Jonah loved his book Marley and the Kittens. He, Great Grandma, and Pop sat on the couch together and discussed all the picures!

Tomorrow we head to Sanibel in the afternoon to visit them... should be fun!


Angela said...

I love the pictures of each of the boys with their blankets on the rug. They just look so happy! Caleb is looking so big in the picures. We miss you guys!

Andrea said...

Great pictues of Caleb and Jonah! They have such cute smiles! Can't wait to see you all in March!