Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Three Takes of Caleb

Caleb is still loving the jumper!

Last night Jonah went in the bike trailer, and it was really cold out. We didn't have any mittens for him, so we improvised! He liked it.

Until he got to the football game and realized he had to take the socks off in order to throw the football.

Here are three videos of Caleb cuddling with Mama... doesn't sound too exciting, right? We were trying to get something specific on camera. Almost every night when I hold him while sitting in the rocking chair, he puts his head on my chest, then sits up and looks around until he's too tired, then he flops his head back down on my chest again. He'll usually do this between 5 and 10 times, but last night we had trouble getting him to cooperate. :) They always know when the camera is there, and he apparently thought it was funny.


Unknown said...

Caleb is SO darling. It's just hilarious. They must be wondering why the heck everyone's smiling at them. It's like they seem to perk right up for that camera! And Jonah's "gloves" are awesome. That was a great thing to take a picture of. You know Mom is on her way to Wal-Mart right now to get that kid some gloves! :)

Angela said...

I love the three videos. What a little doll he is! Babies just never seem to cooperate with the camera. :)