Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Whipped Cream & Superman

These first two pictures were taken while Andrea and Angela were still here! We miss them lots, by the way. As you can see, when the "man-made" toys in the house are getting boring, we take Jonah outside and let him play with nature... even if it means that he's swimming in the half-inch deep puddles on the side of the road.

You might say, "Swimming in a puddle? Really?" Yes, really...

The doctor said to start tummy time with Caleb. Some babies might be motivated to hold up their heads by doing tummy time, but it appears as though some are not as motivated as others.

Jonah even tried to cheer him on!

Here's Jonah in a new outfit he got from Grandpa and Grandma.

And here's Caleb wrapped up in a blanket that was crocheted by Mary Lou Muller, a friend of Luke's family.

The look only a father and son can share

As you can see, mom and dad, Jonah's already worn both of the outfits you sent! Thanks!

Auntie Angela is holding the little angel here. No, guys, she's not holding me... I'm talking about Caleb.

While most of the country blasted off fireworks on the 4th of July, we let Jonah loose with whipped cream. (It was a special day for him, as it was the feast of Blessed Pier Giorgio, the man behind Jonah's middle name.)

This little one is starting to smile when you talk to him. It's so cute.

I went to the grocery store last night with Caleb, and when I returned I found Luke and Superman in the house...

I have no idea what all these videos are, but I'm putting them all up here so as not to leave out the best ones. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

I had so much fun watching all the videos! Jonah is such a blast. What an exciting life he leads. You guys are always coming up with something new for him to do. Did he get another haircut too? He looks so sweet.

Mary Ellen said...

I loved all of it!! Oh man, I can't believe the air Jonah, I mean, Superman, got!! And I love the picture of Caleb smiling!! SOOO Sweet!!!!

Angela said...

Awesome! I just can't believe how fearless Jonah is. What a great dad Luke is. We miss you guys!

Andrea said...

Miss you guys! It's nice to see all the videos. Looks like Jonah has been having a lot of fun. Jonah's haircut looks great, Anna!