Friday, July 9, 2010

A Friendly Chat and Much More!

These two had a long friendly chat last night after Jonah went to bed. Caleb looked right at Luke the whole time, and he answered his questions as best he could! It was adorable.

This drawing toy that Jonah got from Uncle Tom and Auntie Maria is still one of his most beloved possessions! He draws on it every day, and as you can see here, this morning he rolled out of bed (well, I picked him up out of his crib) and he went straight to the drawing board! :)

Here are a bunch of videos. In this first one, you'll see that Jonah is learning his letters. We've been working on one letter a week for a while, and he has the first several down pretty well. He loves doing this...

And he loves putting stickers on his face, too...

In these next two videos, you'll witness the creativity of my husband and the bonding that takes place between him and Jonah every day. They have loads of fun together, and Luke does a great job of thinking up in-house activities. Not only that, but they usually tend to wear Jonah out so he's ready for bed by the time 8:00 rolls around!

I'm not sure where Jonah's love of "I'm a Little Teapot" originated, but whenever someone sings it, this boy gets up and dances. It's the cutest ever. Here's proof.

Here are a couple videos I took of Luke and Caleb last night when they were chatting. By the time I whipped out the camera, Caleb was already pretty tired, but you get the idea.


Andrea said...

That video of Jonah dancing to I'm a Little Teapot is awesome! I also love the videos of Luke talking to Caleb. Those are just darling!

Unknown said...

Those are great videos! Jonah has such a fun life with such creative parents. I can't believe the things you guys come up with! And finally we got to see the dancing to "I'm a Little Teapot". Clearly he gets the "pour me out" part. Very cute. And little Caleb is such a cutie! I just want to kiss him!