Saturday, July 3, 2010

Real Update

Please excuse the last posting. There's someone out there (you know who you are) who calls to ask why the blog hasn't been updated, and we decided to play a little joke on her. She'll be happy now...
"I love you, Aunti Angie."

He's really starting to look right at you when you talk to him.

He got to take lots of naps with his aunties.

Auntie Am and Jonah bonded this week by watching all the parts of the movie Snow White. Can you tell how much Jonah loves it?

Daddy and Caleb getting some hug time in there...

Caleb is wide awake now for a good part of the day.

The other morning when I had to chop onions, Jonah got to chop a few with his own "knife" and cutting board. He was pretty good at it.

Jonah's favorite book right now is "Hide and Seek With Blue." He likes to sit on the couch and read it all by himself.

Caleb sure relaxes when he naps on his Godmother.

Jonah is going to miss Auntie Angie's purple pick. He combed our hair many times over the past few days.

More naps!

Here you can see Jonah having a slight meltdown, maybe because mommy and daddy told him he shouldn't put yogurt in his hair.

Boys hanging out on the couch...

Burping Caleb is quite a task- he tends to fall asleep!

Some videos... enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, so funny on that last post, guys. Smart alecs. Nice to see some new pics and videos!