Sunday, March 20, 2011

The County Fair

Caleb is getting so big!

He's curious about everything these days...

loves Jonah's desk...

and the pantry!

Jonah's been putting the silverware away this week. He really is a great helper!

I often find these two cuddling somewhere.

Jonah has been very interested in wearing my shirts lately.

On Friday we spent some time at Great Grandma Condit's house, where we got to see her, Grammy, Pop, Uncle Jim, and Aunt Kim. Oh, it was fun! It was busy keeping Jonah from all the neat things in her house, so I only had time to take one picture, the boys with Uncle Jim!!!

Yesterday we went to the Collier County Fair. We've gone almost every year since we've been here, and it's so much fun. We thought Jonah would like it. Boy, was he ready for the fair, as you can see...

Our first stop was to see all the animals...

Here Jonah is feeding some carrots to the animals. On the way home, he said this was his favorite part of the day!

Caleb and I had a great time, too!

Jonah's enjoying a very large lemonade here. After this Luke took him on three rides. He loved two of them, but he was scared on the little rollercoaster, only because it was loud.

And some videos...

Obviously, Jonah has watched many diaper changes! I couldn't resist taping this.


Angela said...

Great videos. Jonah is such a good helper. That is so cute that he put the diaper on his stuffed animal. I love how he picks it up after. So cute!

mom said...

It is so great to see what the kids are doing at your house. Really makes you feel a part of it all. Thanks for all the pictures and videos....loved them all.

Unknown said...

I especially love the picture of Luke and Caleb in the rocking chair. Precious!