Monday, November 24, 2008

Just Another Day...

Tomorrow we leave for Michigan... woohoo! Today we are busy getting things ready for the trip, and also we're having company for dinner tonight... so the day will most likely fly by. I don't have time to download the pictures I took yesterday, so I decided to post up a few that you haven't seen yet. They are from the past week.

A classic pic...
Sometimes in the mornings when Jonah wakes up but we want to sleep longer, we'll take him into our bed for an hour. And he always falls right back asleep! See, his arms are up again... a tell-tale sign of comfort and peace.

"Man, this is the life... please don't wake me up."

"Mommy, I don't want the pacifier right now.
Why are you trying to shove it into my mouth?"
And, of course, we want to leave you with a video to watch, taken a couple days ago. Let's call this one... hmmm... let's see... The Lick Flick. Enjoy, and love to all of you!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love the pictures and the videos! I can't believe how much Jonah is's so cute! Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow.